Thursday, April 27, 2006


Finally have a day off to write about our recent week in Paris. We went for Easter and
had an absolutely fabulous time. Did all the touristy things - went to the top of the Eiffel Tower for amazing views, walked the Champs Elysees, viewed all the great artists and sculptors in the Louvre and the Musee D'Orsay, visited the extravagant Versailles Palace and loved the peace
and quiet of the town of Mount Matre and the Sacre Coeur and Notre Dame cathedrals. Also managed to do a boat trip down the Seine.

Off course sampled all the local delicious delights, baguettes, croissants, patissieres, crepes,
omelettes and Ian and I got to practice our French too which was a real treat. The French
people were all friendly and welcoming and we fitted a lot into our days. Stayed in a brilliant hotel that was about 5 mins walk from the Arc de Triomphe (yes went up there for fabulous night views on our last night too!) and amazingly only got swollen ankles on the second last day, the rest of the time just had a few little rests and many toilet visits!!!

Unfortunately no photos to post as someone (not me!!) forgot to pack the digital camera, so some of you may be lucky enough to get some 'hard copy' photos some time otherwise you will have to visualise it in your head. Back to work now and getting bigger every week, but we're both happy, healthy and well.....write again soon.....Libby

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


As you can see from these photos (those of you who have visited us!!!!) we have repainted and tidied up our dining and lounge room, so I thought I'd pose before the rooms get back into a state of disarray. Jenny if you're reading this you can see the lovely table settings that you sent, put on especially for having our neighbours Joanne and Gary over. Have to add that I made a mighty yummy bread and butter pudding too which everyone is impressed with...I can cook when I really try!

As you can see from the other photo I am starting to look enormous, this one was taken at the end of 25 weeks!! Let's hope I don't expand too much more!